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This section is based on information provided to us by members and others. Please contact us if you have any pictures or information that we could add to the listings.



Boat name Company Fleet no. Build date Extant Original type Original engine
Dragon Fellows, Morton & Clayton 296 01/1925 Yes Motor Bolinder 15hp
Duke Associated Canal Carriers Ltd, Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 38 16/10/1931 Yes Motor Kromhout M1
Dunstable Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 137 26/02/1937 Yes Motor
Edgware Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 138 02/1937 Yes Motor
Effingham BTW (NW Division) 03/1959 Yes Motor Parsons Merganser air cooled 2 cylinder
Elk Fellows, Morton & Clayton 17 04/03/1926 Yes Motor Bolinder 15hp BM type
Elm Erewash Canal Carrying Co Ltd, Willow Wren Canal Carrying Co 09/08/1935 Yes Motor
Elstree Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 139 02/1937 Yes Motor
Emu Willow Wren Canal Carrying Co, Fellows, Morton & Clayton 18 03/04/1926 Yes Motor Bolinder 15hp BM type
Enceladus Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 41 21/08/1935 Yes Motor Russell Newberry No 3217
Epsom Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 140 03/1937 Yes Motor
Eridanus Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 43 23/07/1935 Yes Motor Russell Newbery DM2
Falcon (Sandpiper) Fellows, Morton & Clayton, Willow Wren Canal Carrying Co 19 24/04/1926 Yes Motor Bolinder 15hp BM type
Fenny Grand Union Canal Carrying Co 141 24/03/1937 Yes Motor
Fern Fellows, Morton & Clayton 356 06/1947 Yes Motor Bolinder 15hp BM type
Ferret Fellows, Morton & Clayton 58 21/05/1926 Yes Motor 15hp Bolinder BM type
Fir Severn & Canal Carrying Co Ltd 1935 Yes Motor
Fornax Grand Union Canal Carrying Co, T&S Elements 44 12/1935 Yes Motor
Fox Fellows, Morton & Clayton 63 19/06/1926 Yes Motor 15hp Bolinder BM type
Foxglove Fellows, Morton & Clayton 357 1947 ?? Yes Motor 15hp Bolinder BM type


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