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Going boating when you don't have a boat of your own

Birmingham & Midland Marine Services Narrowboat handling training

Canal and River Trust, historic fleet  A fleet of heritage working boats, maintained by volunteers, visits events across the waterway.

The Friends of Raymond Always on the lookout for volunteers to help with maintenance, crewing and staffing the fund-raising stand.

The Friends of President Introduction Days for trainee crew on the boat and butty.

The Narrow Boat Trust Owns the pair Nuneaton and Brighton, still used for carrying traditionally as a pair whenever possible, crewed by members.

Paddle UK formerly British Canoeing. All sorts of paddle sports.

The Shropshire Union Fly-boat Restoration Society Be a member of an enthusiastic group of like-minded people with a common cause - to keep Saturn safe and running for another 100 years. You will be among people who love our waterways, narrowboats, their history and working traditions with the option, if you wish, to do some boating or maintenance work. 


The Shropshire Union Fly-boat Restoration Society
Be a member of an enthusiastic group of like-minded people with a common cause - to keep Saturn safe and running for another 100 years. You will be among people who love our waterways, narrowboats, their history and working traditions with the option, if you wish, to do some boating or maintenance work.

Organisations and societies, add:

The Association of Boat Safety Examiners
Represents the opinions of the Examiners who implement the requirements of the Boat Safety Scheme on the ground.  Search for your nearest registered ABSE membeThe Shropshire Union Fly-boat Restoration Society
Be a member of an enthusiastic group of like-minded people with a common cause - to keep Saturn

Organisations and societies, add:

The Association of Boat Safety Examiners
Represents the opinions of the Examiners who implement the requirements of the Boat Safety Scheme on the ground.  Search for your nearest registered ABSE member.r. (ABSE) safe and running for another 100 years. You will be among people who love our waterways, narrowboats, their history and working traditions with the option, if you wish, to do some boating or maintenance work. (ABSE)