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Surprise award for long serving Newsletter Editor

There was a special surprise for the club's retired Editor, Val Roberts, at our virtual Annual General Meeting on Saturday 14 November 2020. Unbeknownst to her, Mike Harrison had smuggled in a plaque that the committee had commissioned from Dan and Vikki Cauldwell of the Cromford Canal Co Ltd, Langley Mill, and presented it to her during the meeting. Sadly, Val passed away on 9 January 2021, a great loss to us all.

Tell us about Winding Holes!

Have you spotted a winding hole that's been chained off, or now has boats permanently moored in it, or where the width's been reduced? Please let us know so we can lobby navigation authorities to try to get these vital areas improved or reinstated. HNBC carried out a joint survey with the Inland Waterways Association because both organisations are concerned about the gradual loss of these turning points.  The survey results are now being studied, but if you spot anything new, please let us know anyway by emailing
